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International Pageant

August 1st and August 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen Minnesota International®

Kelly Brown

1.What is the funniest thing you remember as a child?
Every time I walk into a room, I would want a song playing that gets everyone thinking that we could smile forever! I would have “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” playing because it is a fun, upbeat song that everyone could chime into! What is more unifying that singing with those around you?!

2.What is the one piece of clothing you wish you owned?
I am a black belt in bargain shopping! I love to treat myself to items I love (clothes especially)! My favorite clothing store is Charlotte Russe, which allows me to spend my money frequently, but not in large amounts! All of their clothes would be ranked a 10/10 in my book-even those $3 tops!

3.What season of the year is your favorite and why?
At age 6, I vacationed with my family to Disney World. This was my best and worst vacation. One day I almost drowned in our hotel’s swimming pool. Thankfully my cousin was able to rush over quickly to help me. It was terrifying, however, every other day was full of adventures to make up for it including catching frogs at the park as well as going to the Disney castle!

4.What is your favorite movie?
Since a little girl, I have loved being outside whether it's rain or shine. My ultimate favorite thing to do outdoors is explore caves! My cousins and I used to do it all the time when I was younger and since then it has created so many memories for me that it is something I still immensely enjoy!