Join Us For The Next
International Pageant

August 1st and August 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen Pan Pacific International®

Kotoa Takakura

1.What is the funniest thing you remember as a child?
When I was 6 years old, I thought it is only 2 countries in the world, Japan and the United States. At that time mom decided me to travel to Bulgaria. Mom said “Let’s go abroad!” and I answered “Yes! The United States, right?” Mom told me “No. There are many countries in the world.” That is why I realized there are many countries in the world.

2.What is the one piece of clothing you wish you owned?
I wish I had known that I had a singing talent before I turned 7 years old. If I had done so, I would have got more chances as a musical child actor. Because I was taller than children of the same age by more than a head.

3.What season of the year is your favorite and why?
Ms. Sakurako Ito. She is a national director of Japan, also Mrs. Japan International 2014. She is very kind to all of contestants and their families. She helped me to select my evening dress for the pageant in Japan. In addition, she always gives me confidence and make me positive. I love the words she says, so I respect her.

4.What is your favorite movie?
The best costume I have worn for Halloween is “Shirayukihime” in Japanese, “Snow White” in English. The costume is very pretty, so I was really happy to wear it. Also, when I have worn it, many people told me “Cute!” “Very nice!”. “Snow White” is very popular in the world. I want to wear more Disney characters costumes in the future.

5.What song makes you think of yourself?
“Power” by Little Mix. The first time I listened this song was 2022 in UK. When I heard it, I felt just want to dance. This song always makes me happy and feel like dancing. I love singing and dancing. If it possible I would like dancing with other contestants during Miss Teen International pageant in Kingsport Tennessee!